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Chelated Trace Elements

A complete range of chelated water soluble trace element fertilizers
Chelated trace elements that provide plants with its needs of the necessary
microelements. It prevents microelement deficiency symptoms and related
diseases and negative effects on the plant and the crop.
Combinations of micronutrients Chelated by EDTA Citric acid.
♦ HIPPOS M 1(Zn 4% / Fe 4% / Mn 3% / Mg 2% / Cu 0.5%)
♦ HIPPO M 2 (Fe 9.3% / Zn 0.2% / Mn 2% / Mg 2% / B 0.4% / Cu 0.15% / Mo 0.1%)
♦ HIPPOS M 3 (Fe 10% / Zn 5% / Mn 3% / Cu 3%
♦ HIPPOS M 4 (Fe 4% / Zn 3% / Mn 3% / Cu 1.5%)
HIPPOS Single Micro
Single micronutrients Chelated by EDTA Citric acid.
♦ HIPPOS Fe 13%
♦ HIPPOS Zn 15%
♦ HIPPOS Mn 13%
♦ HIPPOS Cu 15%
♦ HIPPOS Ca 10%
♦ HIPPOS Mg 6%
♦ HIPPOS Fe 6% Chelated by EDDHA

Chelated Trace Elements

A complete range of chelated water soluble trace element fertilizers
Chelated trace elements that provide plants with its needs of the necessary
microelements. It prevents microelement deficiency symptoms and related
diseases and negative effects on the plant and the crop.
Combinations of micronutrients Chelated by EDTA Citric acid.
♦ HIPPOS M 1(Zn 4% / Fe 4% / Mn 3% / Mg 2% / Cu 0.5%)
♦ HIPPO M 2 (Fe 9.3% / Zn 0.2% / Mn 2% / Mg 2% / B 0.4% / Cu 0.15% / Mo 0.1%)
♦ HIPPOS M 3 (Fe 10% / Zn 5% / Mn 3% / Cu 3%
♦ HIPPOS M 4 (Fe 4% / Zn 3% / Mn 3% / Cu 1.5%)
HIPPOS Single Micro
Single micronutrients Chelated by EDTA Citric acid.
♦ HIPPOS Fe 13%
♦ HIPPOS Zn 15%
♦ HIPPOS Mn 13%
♦ HIPPOS Cu 15%
♦ HIPPOS Ca 10%
♦ HIPPOS Mg 6%
♦ HIPPOS Fe 6% Chelated by EDDHA

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P.O.Box 961306

Amman 11196

+962 79 5550686

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