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Category: Product ID: 23984


Racine is a high-quality liquid compound fertilizer that contains a high percentage of phosphorus, along

    with essential micronutrients for plants.

  • Racine: Contributes to increased root growth and extension, as well as improves flowering conditions in plants.
  • Racine: Used for fertilizing protected and open vegetables, field crops, and fruit trees.
  • In addition to phosphorus being a vital nutrient for plants, it has proven effective in combating fungal diseases by stimulating the plant to produce defensive compounds (Phytoalexins), which help prevent infections from fungi causing downy mildew, early blight, late blight, root rot, and other fungal diseases.

Providing phosphorus to plants is crucial for root development and ensuring a bountiful fruit yield. It is also important for seed formation and becomes particularly significant in cold weather conditions, as phosphorus in this compound has systemic properties within the plant.

بذور الهيبوس AGR. ذ م م.

هي واحدة من أكثر الشركات الزراعية تخصصًا في الشرق الأوسط ، حيث يقع المكتب الرئيسي في عمان ، الأردن. تعتبر شركة Hippos Seed إحدى الشركات الرائدة في إنتاج البذور في منطقتنا.



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+962 79 5550686

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