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Category: Product ID: 24008


Nitrocal Fertilizer

Nitrocal is a powerful liquid fertilizer featuring a unique formulation that contains essential nutrients crucial for plant strength, root development, and crop quality, tailored to meet the specific needs of plants at different growth stages.

  • Nitrogen Content: Nitrocal contains nitrogen, which is vital for protein formation in plant tissues. This enhances leaf growth, boosts photosynthesis efficiency, and stimulates the development of new stems and leaves, increasing overall biomass and structural integrity.
  • Calcium: It has an excellent calcium content that strengthens cell walls, helping to prevent leaf distortion and reduce water loss. Calcium also improves fruit quality, enhances resistance to environmental stressors, and supports healthy plant growth while strengthening plant immunity.
  • Magnesium: This nutrient plays a key role in regulating energy storage and transfer within the plant and is essential for protein and nucleic acid formation. Magnesium deficiency can lead to symptoms like leaf curling and yellowing.
  • Manganese: Nitrocal includes manganese, which stimulates enzyme activity and improves plants’ resilience to harsh environmental conditions, such as drought and excessive heat.
  • Iron: Essential for plant health, iron regulates cellular respiration and protein synthesis, crucial for healthy growth.
  • Boron: Boron supports the formation of cell walls and regulates plant hormone production.
  • Zinc: This micronutrient helps plants resist environmental stress, while copper improves their ability to fend off diseases and pests.
  • Amino Acids: Nitrocal is enriched with amino acids that enhance fruit quality by improving juiciness, color, and flavor. These compounds also boost root strength and depth, improve soil quality by increasing its capacity to retain water and nutrients, enhance aeration, and stimulate microbial activity.

Overall, Nitrocal is an effective solution for promoting robust plant growth, enhancing crop quality, and improving soil health.

بذور الهيبوس AGR. ذ م م.

هي واحدة من أكثر الشركات الزراعية تخصصًا في الشرق الأوسط ، حيث يقع المكتب الرئيسي في عمان ، الأردن. تعتبر شركة Hippos Seed إحدى الشركات الرائدة في إنتاج البذور في منطقتنا.



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