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Organic Hippos Fertilizer

 The first of its kind in the Middle East

Organic hippos : is a sterile and treated fertilizer that contains essential nutrients for plants, such as organic nitrogen, which is directly absorbed by the plant with high efficiency , It also contains chelated organic phosphorus, which is loaded with fulvic acids, which makes it available to the plant and absorbable, and is not affected by calcareous and salty soil. It also contains easily chelated organic potassium Absorption.

*Due to it containing the most important major and minor elements; Organic hops improves soil properties and increases its retention capacity with nutrients and water, it increases the exchange capacity of the soil.

Hippos Organic fertilizer is composed of 100% organic materials, manufactured, processed, sterilized, and   sourced, and does not contain weed seeds                                                           .

      It was manufactured from the waste of laying hens (from table-laying hens), and it is an excellent source of macronutrients, because its content of microelements is at least two times higher than the content of other  agricultural organic fertilizers, such as the waste of cows and sheep .

      Hippos Organic fertilizer is in the form of a pallet, which is the first of its kind in the Middle East, as it works to increase aeration in the soil by creating voids In it, the pelt also works to retain water inside it and use it when needed (when the moisture content of the soil decreases).        

It is rich in organic matter and humus, which restores nutritional balance to the soil that has suffered from repeated addition of chemical fertilizers, improves its properties and stops its deterioration by increasing the exchange capacity and increasing the efficiency of element absorption, which reduces the consumption of chemical fertilizers.

The importance of the product:

*Microorganisms: increase the biological activity of the soil by adding beneficial microorganisms

*Regulating the Ph  :   works to increase the efficiency of absorption of nutrients.

*Ability to retain water :  Hippos increases the soil’s ability to retain water because it absorbs excess water and keeps it inside for use when needed

*Cation exchange capacity :  By increasing the levels of organic matter in the soil, it increases the soil’s ability to  exchange cation.

*Nutrient Solubility :Dissolves nutrients that remain bound to the soil, making them available for use by plants.

*Preventing salinization :  organic fertilizers reduces the accumulation of salts in the soil.

 *Decomposition of pesticides: By accelerating the decomposition of pesticides, it reduces the risk of phytotoxicity.

*Nutrients : Rich in nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, phosphate, manganese, and sulfur, all of which are necessary and very beneficial for the soil and for plant growth and     development without the need for chemicals

*Reducing the use of Chemical fertilizers: By increasing productivity, the use of chemical fertilizers is reduced, it reduces agribusiness costs and is environmentally friendly.




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Amman 11196

+962 79 5550686

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