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Category: Product ID: 23968


Profast is a multifunctional formula that includes various natural growth stimulants and essential extracts that activate important enzymes in plants. It also contains organic nitrogen, organic materials, and potassium, which enhance the fruiting process, improve fruit color, quality, firmness, and size, and increase overall production.

Profast increases the levels of sugars and proteins in fruits, stimulates the formation and strengthening of male and female floral organs, and supports flower set. It plays a role as a cofactor in some plant biochemical reactions, being essential for tissue growth and critical for extending pollen viability and producing quality seeds, thereby leading to abundant, high-quality yields.

Profast improves the plant’s absorption of boron, which in turn increases boron storage in dormant buds for the next season and reduces the occurrence of nutrient deficiencies.

Profast also enhances plant protection in fluctuating weather conditions, improves disease resistance, and helps prevent fruit hardening in citrus crops.

بذور الهيبوس AGR. ذ م م.

هي واحدة من أكثر الشركات الزراعية تخصصًا في الشرق الأوسط ، حيث يقع المكتب الرئيسي في عمان ، الأردن. تعتبر شركة Hippos Seed إحدى الشركات الرائدة في إنتاج البذور في منطقتنا.



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+962 79 5550686

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