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Category: Product ID: 23822


  • Manara Balanced Suspension Fertilizer is a ready-made fertilizer dissolved in the solution and prepared for direct use.
  • Manarat Al-Mallaq contains a high percentage of organic compounds that encapsulate the nutrients, especially phosphorus, thus making its absorption guaranteed and preventing side interactions with soil components.
  • Manarat Al-Mallaq also contains a high percentage of quickly absorbed chelated micronutrients. This explains the speed of the plant’s response to fertilization and achieves the highest benefit for the plant.
  • The pH of Manara Suspended Fertilizer is low (pH=3-2) and this helps in rapid absorption and optimal utilization.
  • A quick-soluble fertilizer in the form of a suspension that contains all the major and minor elements necessary for the plant.

   Advantages :

  • A balanced suspension fertilizer rich in essential plant nutrients.
  • Suitable for plants at different stages of growth.
  • Completely water-soluble fertilizer used in various drip irrigation networks.

• Manara suspension fertilizer is used on all field crops, fruit trees, vegetables, and ornamental plants