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Category: Product ID: 23812


Hippos suspension is a ready-made fertilizer dissolved in the solution and prepared for direct use. It contains a high percentage of organic compounds that encapsulate the nutrients and thus makes its absorption guaranteed and prevents side interactions with soil components. It also contains a high percentage of quickly absorbed chelated microelements, and this explains the rapid response. Plant for fertilization and achieves the highest benefit for the plant.

بذور الهيبوس AGR. ذ م م.

هي واحدة من أكثر الشركات الزراعية تخصصًا في الشرق الأوسط ، حيث يقع المكتب الرئيسي في عمان ، الأردن. تعتبر شركة Hippos Seed إحدى الشركات الرائدة في إنتاج البذور في منطقتنا.



P.O.Box 961306

Amman 11196

+962 79 5550686

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Hippos Seeds Agr. LLC © 2022. All Rights Reserved.